
Enterprise Grade Analytics Tools for Big Data workloads

I led the UX Design team on Azure Data Lake, a hyper-scale analytics solution optimized for Data Science.



  • Spearheaded UX Development for Azure Data Tools for Visual Studio, VSCode, DataBricks and Azure Portal.

  • Patents: Interactive Job Graph, Visual Debugger, Visual Code Differ, Local Vertex Debug, Query Optimizer.

  • Managed UX Team Scrum, Agile, International team - designers, PMs, Test, UX Research, developers.

  • Provided Design Leadership both for ADLA/ADLS and for the broader Microsoft Big Data push.

  • Contributed to Microsoft Design Libraries: ADF, ADL, Cosmos, Portal, Fluent.

1 - Capture Requirements Clear, simple descriptions of the platform’s desired capabilities provide a North Star for the whole organization. The examples below helped PM, engineering and test teams with resource planning.

2 - Concept Sketches Quick pencil sketches and notes harness creative ‘flow,’ while helping to rapidly develop visual ideas.

3 - Interaction Design On a large project like Data Lake, I will often create short “vision pieces,” conceptual pieces like the following “drill down” idea, which is for a fast Visual Query Debugger for solving code bottlenecks in Big Data runtime systems.

4 - Visual Development All UI views in Data Lake are highly data-dense and required detailed visual development:

Job Graph Sub-Modes Drill-throughs reveal underlying operations and schemas for any given stage.

Job Graph Sub-Modes
Drill-throughs reveal underlying operations and schemas for any given stage.

Interaction - zoom, scroll, rollover Interaction should feel powerful, intuitive, and native to the device.

Interaction - zoom, scroll, rollover

Interaction should feel powerful, intuitive, and native to the device.

Interaction - Job Graph Stage Placards Execution-Stage Color Ramps helped users to optimize query health by visually gauging the status of their jobs at runtime.

Interaction - Job Graph Stage Placards
Execution-Stage Color Ramps helped users to optimize query health by visually gauging the status of their jobs at runtime.

5 - Visual Query Designer A new, audacious, highly-visual UI system for managing pipelines, for which I developed a style guide and a one-pager:

0_New Aproach.png

Example of Data Products Customer Experience ( my beautiful pixels at work! )